Cookie policy
What is a cookie?
A cookie is a small piece of data that’s sent by a website and stored on a user’s computer to memorise its web-browsing activity.
How we use them
We only use cookies to enable us to improve the service that we provide by analysing traffic statistics that show us the most popular, and least popular, pages on our website. We try to avoid setting cookies ourselves but we do use Google Analytics and an embedded YouTube player.
Cookies we set
The only cookies set on this site are those used by Google Analytics and the embedded YouTube player. These are outlined below:
- _ga – Performance – Google Analytics –
- _gat – Performance – Google Analytics –
- _gid – Performance – Google Analytics –
Opting out
If you would still like to opt-out of the analytics cookies, you can either set your browser to reject cookies, which will not affect anything on the website or your use of it. Alternatively, you can install a plugin provided by Google to remove analytics tracking across all websites which can be found here:
Additionally, we recommend looking at picking up a script and advertising blocking plugin for your browser such as AdBlock plus or uBlock. This will help prevent the large companies from tracking you as websites pull in and use their tools. It also prevents a large amount of issues caused by adverts on other sites in general. Browse safe!