Putting Thursday on the map as #DateNight

Putting Thursday on the map as #DateNight

01 Challenge

Miller and Carter were launching their new ‘Dates & Steaks’ menu, aimed at increasing their share in midweek dining. As a result, they wanted us to create a social buzz around their new Thursday date-night occasion.

02 Approach

To create awareness and drive conversions with new and existing fans we used an integrated approach of paid, owned, and earned channels. Using each channel’s brand-agreed strategy, we created and distributed content that would build awareness and excitement around the latest reason for a midweek date night – and saw an return-on-investment of 7.36% by doing so.


On Facebook, we encouraged social engagement with quote posts, videos, and a dedicated Facebook Instant Experience to immerse people into the indulgence of the occasion.

To replicate the act of organising a date night, a campaign-specific messenger bot was also developed to help people discover the menu in an engaging way. Once they’d reached the end of their journey, they were encouraged to share an invite to a Miller & Carter date night.

On Twitter, where our strategy revolves around customer service and engagement, we designed editable Dates & Steaks graphics to allow our community management team to give bespoke responses.


Using Facebook ads, we drove initial menu views before retargeting those who looked and didn’t book a table to increase conversions. Social advertising was also used on Instagram to promote an image-sharing competition, giving guests an incentive to share images of their ‘date night’ and create a buzz on our behalf.

There were also brand gift cards for the community management team to ‘surprise and delight’ guests, who might then share the #Thursdate campaign and drive further awareness.


We built on our relationship with a macro-influencer to drive awareness of the menu within their engaged audience and used Instagram Stories to document their Date Night real-time.

Once the campaign launched, we began social listening for date night keywords to allow us to engage in conversations and share user-generated content specific to the occasion. We have continued this to create momentum for Dates and Steaks all year round.

Bringing a touch of indulgence to daily social media

Facebook Instant Experience: Mobile-first, instantly immersive.

User-generated content at its finest

A luxurious new landing page

03 Outcome

The campaign received some outstanding results:

331 new Facebook fans generated from the Instant Experience ad

1015 table bookings from all social activity

233% increase on average organic monthly reach through influencer content

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